Legal assistance

Providing legal assistance is our main activity. We provide legal opinions or we assist you in your day-to-day activity, in fields like labour law, corporate, business and insolvency law, tax law, mergers and acquisitions, contravention law, real estate and urban planning law, intellectual property law.
We assist you in commercial negotiation or collective bargaining.
We work in multidisciplinary teams, adapted to the projects we are involved in. We set up synergies with professionals such as accountants, engineers, human resources and communication experts.
Dispute resolution

Our credo is that obstacles and barriers can be overcome, and differences should be settled out of court. We are dedicated to negotiating, mediating and conciliating disputes in business and corporate law as well as in labor law (both in collective and individual labor relations).
For our industrial partners we provide legal assistance and representation services in litigation and arbitration.
Our expertise covers labour law, business and corporate law, insolvency law, tax law, business criminal law, real estate and urban planning law, intellectual property law.


We provide legal assistance for auditing and implementing the appropriate technical, organisational and legal measures, in compliance with GDPR and according to our industrial partners legitimate interests.
We manage, together with our clients, the GDPR issues in relation with the employees, contractual partners and state authorities.
Debt Recovery

We have set up a debt recovery department. We act both in pre-trial stage, by negotiation, notifications, evaluation of debtor’s financial situation or by imposing precautionary measures, as well as in judicial stage (summons, criminal complaints, the opening of insolvency proceeding or enforcement of the debt).


We are ourselves in search of knowledge and personal development.
For our partners, we create tailored legal training programs, adapted for the industrial environment, on topics such as industrial relations and bargaining agreements, transfer of business, liability for defective products, contractual risks management.
For further information, please have a look at http://www.bvconsulting.ro.